Tiniest orphaned baby mouse found tucked in blankets on couch

Our initial reaction when we see an injured animal is to rescue it.

No matter which species it is, we’d do our best to save the creature and seek medical or professional help. We do so in the hopes that they would be given a chance to live, even if it seems they might not make it.

When Alex found a tiny mouse on the floor, she couldn’t help but pick her up.

She could tell it was sick because it limped and moved so slowly. It ran up to her couch and stayed there for a bit. Alex wanted to save her, but unfortunately, it died a few moments after.

She buried the little fella and was sad it died on her watch. However, she discovered something as she was cleaning her living room.

There was a tiny mouse under the blankets!

She figured that the mouse she saw was its mother and that it spent its last few moments trying to protect her little one (which was a girl, by the way). Alex picked her up and tried to save her.

This was the start of how Alex and the mouse she named Greta formed a bond as she tried to save her life one day at a time. She planned to rehab the mouse and give it its best life possible.

Alex saw that the little mouse was weak, so she tried feeding it using a paintbrush.

Greta didn’t even know how to suckle that time. She was brushing and nudging her mouth on the milk to feed. It was a messy business, but Alex was extremely patient with this process, including cleaning up after Greta was done.

And in a few weeks, the baby was showing signs of improvement. She opened her eyes and explored the house more. She started crawling and jumping her way around her cage, but what she loved most was staying close to Alex.

Greta was more demanding than Alex thought, but it was delightful to see.

She always wants to go up on her hand and stay close. Alex would never think twice about giving in to her request. She allowed Greta to stay on her hand, snuggle in her sleeves, and sleep by her tummy.


We can say Greta was a bit spoiled not only by Alex but also by her friends. Whenever they come and visit, they throw a little popsicle party and build whatever structure they can think of for Greta to play around. She enjoyed going up and down those popsicle buildings!

However, Alex realized Greta might be lonely.

So, she adopted another mouse named Yellow. She got him from (name of shelter) so Greta would have a brother to play with. Of course, she was hesitant to get near him at first and was a bit confused about what that thing was in her cage. It was her first time seeing a similar creature as she.

But that night, Yellow suddenly cuddled beside Greta, which started a warm relationship between the two. Since then, they became inseparable and were much happier mice when they finally had a little company.

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