The three-week-old kittens’ eyes were still tightly shut at that point, and she realized they were actually blind because of this.
Despite her heartfelt desire to care for them, she was unable to permanently adopt two blind cats due to her financial situation.
Fortunately, the Inner City Strays rescue center was able to step up.
After seeing a picture of the adorable kitties, co-founder Diana Dammery simply couldn’t say no even though the rescue center was already at capacity. She says to The Dodo:
We simply couldn’t turn our backs on them, regardless of how much it would cost us.
They soon learned that Isaac was only partially blind, while poor Stevie was completely blind. For their eyes, both cats required a special procedure.
The cats “are blissfully oblivious that anything is wrong with them,” Inner City Strays gleefully affirmed in a Facebook post, though!
The remarkable bond that exists between Stevie and Isaac is arguably the most magical aspect of their tale. The kittens are playing and cuddling like any other cats, and they are completely supporting one another through their challenges.
Stevie in particular depends on Isaac, according to Dammery:
“If he becomes lost or uncertain, he cries, and Isaac rushes over. When Isaac is nearby, he never sobs. They are close pals.
Within a day of having their eyes operated on, the couple was once more happily wrestling and cuddling! Isaac did need some additional surgery at the SASH animal hospital in North Ryde, Australia, while Stevie recovered very quickly.
These two cats are obviously very unique in many ways. Despite their setbacks, they have demonstrated their remarkable fortitude and passion for life and each other.
Stevie and Isaac will be placed up for adoption as soon as they are both fully recovered and are hoping to find a forever home.