Monkey grieves and says final farewell at funeral of the only man who ever cared for him

It is difficult to be apart from the people we know and genuinely love.

That explains why a monkey in Sri Lanka felt so saddened by the death of his human companion.

Peetambaram Rajan, 56, was seen on camera being caressed by the monkey as he laid in his coffin.


The Sun claims that Rajan passed away at his Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, residence after developing an unforeseen and abrupt illness.

Rajan was reputed to be an animal lover, according to The Dodo. Every day he fed the neighborhood gray langurs, which are monkeys that are endemic to the Indian subcontinent.


Along with Rajan’s relatives and friends, that langur attended his burial to pay her respects.

Like his loved ones, the poor thing was in mourning.

She gazed down at him as the monkey placed itself on the rim of Rajan’s coffin and massaged his chest.


As the monkey said Rajan farewell, the mourners watched in amazement.

But the monkey found it hard to accept that his friend had actually vanished.

Who would now take the time to leave her goodies and demonstrate their concern? He started to raise and lower Rajan’s arms.


According to one news source, it appeared as though the monkey was attempting to lead his companion away, as though he believed the man was still alive and simply sleeping.

The monkey saw the unease in the group and put his friend’s hands back down.

Before the video concludes, the langur resumes petting his friend’s face. The presence of the monkey at the burial was a moving illustration of Rajan’s love.


According to animal behaviorist Dr. Mark Bekoff, there is no denying that a variety of animals have complex, deep emotions. “The question of whether animal emotions have evolved is moot; the question is why they have evolved the way they have. We must always remember that our emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors. Both humans and other animals have emotions. Grief is one of the many emotions that animals express unmistakably and eloquently.


The video eventually became popular online and was distributed by media outlets all over the world.

“Unconditional adoration of animal life. Humans have reduced relationships to ones based solely on need. Very moving scene! One commenter wrote.



“This is the admiration that this man deserves. God demonstrated and communicated to this world via his death that we must treat God’s creatures with the same respect and earn their regard. Having no words, ‘Emotionally choked,’ another person added.


Many people remarked on the chimpanzee’s empathy.

Chimpanzees have the capacity to experience a variety of emotions, such as joy, happiness, and empathy. They watch out for one another and frequently lend a hand when necessary. As an illustration, both adult males and females have been seen adopting young chimpanzees in both the wild and at the Tchimpounga refuge. According to the Jane Goodall Institute, chimpanzees have even been observed defending endangered humans.

In the video below, you can see the monkey paying his respects.

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