Meet Valkyrie, the Maine Coon kitty famous for her oddly human-like face

Cats are supposed to be adorable, cuddly, and cute. A 2-month-old Main Coon cat named Valkyrie is… unique in her own way. I suppose.

If you believe a cat that resembles your uncle John would be adorable.
The idea that Valkyrie has what is being referred to as “a creepy human face” puts the internet in a panic.

But truly, it’s alarming how much this cat resembles a human. After her breeder shared a video of her on Instagram, people started criticizing her for having an anthropomorphic appearance.

And she somewhat resembles a dejected elderly man.
It pains me to say this about a kitten, yet… Look at that face, for example. It appears to have gone through some terrible stuff. similar to a war or two divorces followed by a third union.


I Think it’s the combination of the cat’s facial features that make her look like a male senior citizen.

I find her eyes to be the most human.

Her mouth’s form conveys worry and caution, as if she’s about to order you to leave her yard.



Her face has an exceptionally round contour. It “looks like an old guy has been pasted over her head,” as Metro puts it best.

She also has salt-and-pepper-colored hair that is wiry.
It somewhat like those 2-inch-long chin hairs on granny that you can’t help but notice. source=ig embed

When you consider everything together, you start to wonder if Valkyrie goes to bed at 4 p.m. and gets up at 4 a.m.

When you consider everything together, you start to wonder if Valkyrie goes to bed at 4 p.m. and gets up at 4 a.m.

Valkyrie, you miserable thing!

In several of these photos, she conveys pure rage. Perhaps her severe demeanor stems from her Russian heritage?

Look at the expression of stoicism! The poor baby hardly makes any movies.

If you zoom in on its face, it doesn’t even resemble a cat.
It’s unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed, and I have to admit that I feel sorry for this cat. source=ig embed

The craziest video by far is the one up top. The cat’s eyes move and glance about in a SOOOOO human-like manner.

I’m at a loss.
If we just caused you nightmares, we apologize.




The good news is that Valkyrie can be seen smiling in certain pictures.

The prospect of Valkyrie finding a permanent residence is even better news.

She may be on reserve for a person by the name of Natalie, according to one post. We are hopeful that Natalie will be able to remove her frown and show her the respect she deserves.

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