Meet Kiki, the adorable cat who coexists with three dogs and acts like a member of the pack.

Kiki adores his brothers Saki, Ibuki, and Hazuki, and despite the fact that they don’t quite resemble him, he always enjoys spending time with them.

Kiki is an American shorthair, unlike his brothers, who are all Shiba Inus, yet he never feels out of place.

The small cat doesn’t hesitate to behave as though he is precisely like his canine brothers because he believes that he is. Kiki is undoubtedly down for whatever his brothers are planning.

The adorable, cuddly little group—Saki, Ibuki, Hazuki—treats Kiki the same way they do each other, and they are essentially inseparable.

They post gorgeous pictures of their happy life in Japan on Instagram, and after a while of perusing, you almost forget that Kiki is a little bit different from the rest of the group. The small cat really exudes such assurance in his standing among the others.

Here are some adorable and amusing images of the adorable group that are guaranteed to brighten your day.

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