Mama dog gently places her 11 puppies into foster mom’s lap

Dog moms often have incredible maternal instincts.

Dog moms will do everything in their power to care for their babies, and often, they won’t let anyone else touch their puppies. They’ll only let somebody who they truly trust with all their heart near their little ones.

That’s just what happened with a woman named Stevoni Doyle and her foster dog, Grayce.

One January day, experienced dog foster mom Stevoni Wells Doyle decided to take in a pregnant dog who desperately needed a home.

The dog, Grayce, had been neglected in her last house, and she needed a safe and loving environment to give birth to her puppies. Doyle gave Grayce everything she needed to be happy.

Soon after arriving at Doyle’s house, Grayce gave birth to 11 puppies, 10boys and one girl.

All 11 puppies and their mama were happy and healthy!

Grayce quickly showed that she was a great mom.

She made sure all the puppies were healthy, and she watched over them. But 11 puppies are a lot for any dog to take care of. And so, Grayce realized she needed some help.

One day, Grayce and Doyle were hanging out in her living room. Suddenly, Grayce picked up a puppy and placed it in Doyle’s lap. She did this with every single puppy until Doyle was holding all eleven of them.

“I think she feels unsure still as a new mom,” Doyle told The Dodo. “And she needed love and reassurance from someone she loves and trusts.”

Doyle’s husband captured video of this incredible moment and shared it on Facebook and YouTube. It quickly went viral.

Doyle has looked after many dog moms, but none have ever given her their babies before.

It was clear Grayce trusted her, and it seemed like she wanted to thank Doyle for looking after her and her babies.

“I was honored that she choose me to trust with her pups and herself,” Doyle says. “I’m still overwhelmed with her love.”

Doyle looked after Grayce and her puppies until they were old enough to be on their own. Then, the rescue group Doyle works with, Rescue Rovers, started looking for the right forever homes for the 12 dogs.

Soon, they found great homes for all 11 puppies. They also found the perfect home for Grayce, a home where she has lots of other dogs to play with.

“Grayce and all her pups found the perfect forever homes!! They are all so loved and adored,” Doyle wrote in a YouTube comment. “I just got a new foster last week. Her name is Peatree. She is young so we are hoping she is not going to have any pups. She goes in for a check up next week.”

Check out the video of Grayce giving Doyle her babies below!

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