Keith Urban fulfills a girl’s final desire with a tender serenade

Marissa English, a 25-year-old woman, was born with a variety of medical issues. She developed a brain cyst that was inoperable and filled with water.

She also suffered cerebral palsy and severe scoliosis.

She also loved Keith Urban a lot.

She desired to attend Keith’s performance.

Marissa has always wanted to attend a genuine live performance by Keith Urban.

She tried her hardest to get the tickets before they were on sale since she was so determined to make her dream come true.

She also made sure to stay in shape. Marissa was still optimistic that she would be able to make it to Toledo, Ohio to see Keith Urban perform live.

When she at last received her tickets, she was overjoyed!

Unfortunately, Marissa’s health quickly deteriorated before to the show. She was no longer able to attend due to her deteriorating condition.

Knowing that this would be her final opportunity to see Keith Urban, she was devastated.

Marissa’s gaze caught the attention of the nurses, including Nurse Jan Cassidy, who recognized the young man’s desire to see the well-known singer.

A request was made by her nurse.

In October 2018, another nurse, Laura Szyperski Biel, launched a social media effort to get in touch with Keith Urban.

Biel said in her post, “We are working so hard to get the message to him about what it would mean for him to stop and see this patient when he is in town.

Unlikely, but they had to give it a chance.

Keith soon saw the flurry of messages on social media.

He took time off from work to see Marissa.
At the time, she was a patient at Mercy Children’s Hospital. Indeed, the great Keith Urban did visit Marissa in the hospital one day and greeted her.

Marissa’s happiest day of her life.
Marlise Matthews, Marissa’s mother, told ABC 13 that “He sat with her and held her hand and talked to her and sang with her.” “It was invaluable. A dream realized, sort of.

The mother of Marissa claims that her daughter loved Keith Urban so much that pillows covered with Keith’s shirt exist!


She gave the cushion a hug and kiss, referring to it as “Mr. Hottie.”

It was how she managed her situation.

She enjoys Keith Urban’s company.
This moved Keith Urban to refer to Marissa as “my biggest fan.”


Keith sang to Marissa since she is his biggest fan, which was only fitting.

After their conversation, he offered her a beautiful gift.

Blue Ain’t Your Color is what he sung.
Everyone listened as Keith sang Marissa a song. All of them had teary eyes.


It also had a general soothing impact on her, Matthews added. She had several challenging days, yet she remained calm. She was simply taking in the moment, which surprised me because I expected her heart rate to increase, said Matthews.

Following his visitation with Marissa, Keith dedicated his subsequent performance to her and thanked all the nurses who tried their best to get in touch with him.

The realization of Marissa’s desire gave her the willpower to struggle and persevere.


Matthews regrettably announced on her Facebook page that Marissa had died away.

Marissa made the most of her existence. She was surrounded by those who loved her, and now, from above, she is directing them.

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