Italian town becomes the first city in the world to switch to silent fireworks to prevent anxiety in pets

Fireworks are fun, beautiful, and associated with happiness and celebration. They seem to communicate to us on a deeper level and somehow bring us together.

Sadly, many pets and pet owners find them to be an absolute misery despite how adorable they are.

Pyrotechnics have been known to cause panic in some animals, and many unhappy puppies, cats, and other animals experience anxiety as a result of fireworks.

Other animals are so frightened that they escape and unintentionally harm themselves; in some cases, this fear is even deadly.

The welfare of animals should obviously come before pyrotechnics, yet few people are prepared to give up the former.

The majority of us enjoy seeing fireworks, so in an ideal world, we could have our cake and eat it, too. And in a way, that makes sense.

Therefore, please continue to enjoy our fireworks without endangering or startling any animals.

Fortunately, we can succeed!

Even though not everyone is aware of them, silent fireworks do exist.

Collecchio, an Italian town in the Parma District of Italy, is the first municipality in the world to completely switch to using only quiet fireworks.

Whether it is a private or public celebration, all fireworks that are set off must be silent.

Other municipalities will definitely imitate this great action because it makes a strong statement.

This is unquestionably wonderful news for everyone who loves animals and animals in general.

Eventually, loud fireworks will be extinct, and no animal will have to suffer because of our celebrations.

The community of Collecchio is genuinely making a difference by taking this firm measure to minimize animal suffering.

They are showing the rest of the world by doing this that switching to silent fireworks is acceptable and doable, and as more and more communities imitate them, this will definitely enhance the lives of many animals.

The world’s animal lovers have undoubtedly been delighted by this effort.


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