Husband tries to help wife by picking up dog at groomers—and comes home with wrong dog

Have you ever heard the saying, “if you want a job doing properly, then do it yourself?” It’s something that pretty much every husband or wife all over the world has been able to relate to – but never have we read about a situation as funny as this one.

Well-meaning dad and husband Rudy Salazar had been given one job: to pick the dog up from the groomers. His wife, CoCo, was feeling rushed off her feet, and for once, she had decided to delegate some of her responsibilities over to Rudy.

But it was a decision that she was about to regret.

The family’s dog was named BooBear, and when the sweet little white dog was ready to be collected from the groomers, Rudy was all too happy to help.

As he arrived at the groomers, Rudy chatted to the staff about how he was here on his wife CoCo’s behalf. But his friendly conversation was the beginning of a very hilarious mix-up when staff misunderstood Rudy’s request and brought out a dog named Coco.

But to make matters all the more comical, Rudy didn’t appear to notice the mixup at all – and proceeded to take the wrong dog home with him.

As soon as Rudy arrived home with the imposter dog, his wife CoCo soon realized that he had made a massive error. Luckily, she found the whole situation absolutely hilarious, and she snapped a quick video of Rudy and the dog before they quickly returned her to the groomers.


CoCo shared the comical video on Facebook, where it quickly became viral with over 862K views and thousands of shares.

CoCo captioned her video: “Everyone tells me I do too much .. have your family help you out … So after a 15hr work day over Christmas my wonderful husband says “Honey, What can I help you with?” … “well you can take BooBear to the groomers for me” … and this happens… He comes home with the wrong dog… hahahaha… they gave him a dog named “Coco” cuz he said I’m helping my wife CoCo … Best husband ever!!!”

In the hilarious video, Rudy can be seen standing at the doorway where he has evidently just come home. He has the little white dog Coco in his arms, and the poor pup looks beyond confused to have been taken home with the wrong owners.

“He grabbed the wrong dog from the cleaners… Rudy, you just dog-napped!” CocCo says in the video. “Go back and get the right dog.”

Luckily, BooBear was still waiting for Rudy at the groomers when he arrived, and he was able to switch the two dogs before anybody had reported Coco as missing. We’d love to have been a part of that conversation at the groomers!

Have you ever trusted someone with one job and it went badly wrong? Let us know in the comments!

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