The man claimed that five years prior, when he had just completed high school, he had the good fortune to be hired by a foreign corporation with an excellent salary. The individual was renting a house at the time and was living by himself. Additionally, he got a golden retriever.

The Golden Dog was only a few months old when he went into his new home, but due to his intelligence, it took him very little instruction before he picked things up on his own. As a result, the man develops a strong attachment to the little puppy. However, the dog’s friendliness and apparent comprehension of what he is saying make him love it even more.

Every evening when he returns from work, the little puppy always greets him inside as soon as he opens the door. The Golden Retriever becomes a “friend” and a modest source of spiritual solace for him when he is angry. I’m not sure the dog comprehended what he said, but each time, he patiently sat down to pay attention to his feelings.

Imagine that this is how life would always be, yet “good days are short and not unpleasant.” After three years of peace, “storms” struck. His employer is really frigid, and his loved one needs a substantial number of money. The money he had saved was used to treat his loved ones, therefore the love story did not end well.

As a result, his plans to marry the woman he had loved for a long time were likewise derailed by a short note.
The sudden appearance of the wind and waves left the man feeling hopeless. He was unable to get up because of the shock of the love story, and he had lost all interest in working.

Because of his unemployment, he was unable to continue living in the pricey city and rent a complete house for himself.

He was ultimately compelled to relocate to another city and share a room with a friend. But because of the sharing, he can no longer care for the Golden dog in the same manner as before. He protested, but in the end he handed the puppy to a friend. The man was compelled to give the Golden puppy away because he lacked the money to care for him and provide him with a better life.

His Golden dog stopped eating for several days when he moved into a new home, according to his friend. His friend made an effort to reach him but was unsuccessful. Fortunately, three months later the Golden retriever started to adjust and eat again. His life is finally steady again after 5 years of hard effort. He made the decision to go meet his friend during the Tet holiday this year to see how the elderly Golden retriever was doing.

The owner is taken aback by the dog’s actions. The Golden Dog noticed the stranger and instead of barking as usual, he moved calmly over to him. The dog seemed to understand that his elderly owner had reared him because he wrapped his arms around his legs and started to joyfully and continuously scream.

The Golden Dog’s response affected everyone in the room, but the man remained silent out of regret. He regretted his prior carelessness and abandonment of the dog.

Every dog’s owner is always the dog’s entire universe. No matter how much they change with a new owner, how much better life is, or how long they are separated, the dog will always remember the owners who used to show them so much love.

As a result, consider twice before giving your dog away or selling it to someone else, because they will be heartbroken and miss you terribly.

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