“Express yourself to the fullest extent possible” Live doll presented herself prior to cosmetic surgery

Stephanie Mulik, a 20-year-old Swedish woman, has spent a sizable sum of money creating what she refers to as her “dream look.”

She even acquired the moniker “living doll” as a result of her drastic makeover. At the age of 13, Stephanie underwent her first plastic surgery with the help of her mother and aunt.

She was inspired by Bratz dolls, which she had admired since she was young. She recently shared some old pictures of herself with red hair and a more natural appearance. Her appearance has significantly changed since then, though. Stephanie has undergone plastic surgery to change the shape of her face and body as well as her nose, lips, and breasts.

Her supporters have generally endorsed her transformation and stressed how important it is for her to feel secure and at ease in her own skin. Stephanie plans to continue altering her appearance by having implants placed in her cheekbones, getting a Brazilian butt lift, changing the color of her eyes, and removing some of her ribs.

Her plans, however, had to wait because of the pandemic. She then made the decision to inject her own lips, almost losing her life in the process.

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