Dad stands his ground when parents criticize him for leashing his 5 kids

Parenting is never simple, and even the name of our website acknowledges this. That’s a compliment to all the parents who have kept it together over the years and still do.

With all due respect, no manual or guide could possibly teach us how to be the best parents. A combination of trial-and-error and original problem-solving will be required. Self-help books might provide a different viewpoint and some possibilities, but never the precise solution.

We all have various parenting approaches as a result. We deal with our children by doing the best we can with the resources we have. However, society is the one categorizing everything and classifying anything that doesn’t fit their ideals as “poor parenting” right away.

And this is what happened to the parents who gained widespread attention.

terrible parenting viral video?

Internet users criticized a couple after the father, Jordan Driskell, posted a video claiming that they always keep their children on a leash when they are outside. The couple has five children, and all of them were tied to a child leash.


Although the video was nearly a year old, it just became viral and attracted more online attention. People made snap judgments on Jordan’s behavior. Most agreed that because children are not dogs, they shouldn’t be on leashes. Some even added that if they couldn’t handle five children, they shouldn’t have had that many.

Put yourself in Driskells’ shoes.

Come, walk a mile in my shoes, Jordan captioned the second video he shared on Instagram. He thought it was crucial to answer to all the hateful comments since it was obvious there was a side to the story that people were unaware of.


Quintuplets were born to his wife Brianna, which explains why they always have so many children with them when they go out. With children that age, traveling may be rather stressful.

“We employ a leash for our own mental stability and sanity. Additionally, it relieves our tension so that we can go out and enjoy ourselves as a family, Jordan told TODAY Parents.


He claimed that because they are curious about their environment, his children like exploring. Earlier attempts by him and his wife to carry strollers had failed because they were too heavy and awkward to maneuver through dense crowds. The leash allowed them to keep control of their kids while letting them roam and blend in with the crowd.innovative resolution of issues

Dr. Deborah Gilboa, a parenting and youth development expert, claims that what the Driskells did could be viewed as innovative problem-solving rather than treating children like animals.

The leash was the best option for taking them out while still regulating their children, she continued, and it sounded like the parents had a special challenge with having five energetic kids out on a trip. The alternative was to remain in one’s home.

The use of the leash ought to be constrained, though. By the time their children are eight years old, the parents will need to come up with alternative strategies for maintaining control.

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