27 thousand coins underneath your feet: a male make-believe an infrequent floor in his condom.

Matt Giles, 36, is a British man who is confident in the floor he built with his own hands. And we deprivation to break the silence that his work looks more like a cell than the most expensive projects.

Prior to doing the floor, Matt Giles and his wife scoured the entire internet in their condom. They then devised an approximate method for creating a floor out of coins, which was cracking and crazy at the same time. The couple first headed to the deposit to exchange each other’s cash for coins.

They had to distribute 270 batters to the bank, for which they were given 27 thousand coins. Every coin is difficult to parturition. Matthew worked for six weeks. First, he arranged the coins on the floor, which had been ariled with silicone. This cognitive semantics turned out to be extremely difficult; however, Matt’s friends assisted him in this.

After the coins were placed entire on the ground, they were thoroughly rubbed with a special liquid to ensure there were no holes. Matthew covered the “invented” colloquial deck surface with an equal layer of epoxy. It took around 48 hours for the floor to dry. Everyone actually enjoyed the floor as a result. Nothing similar to it will be thought of anywhere else. Matthew is extremely satisfied with his work.

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