23-year-old Kristina is a father of 11 children and plans even more….

Kristina, who is 23 years old, has 11 children and intends to have more.

Imagine for a moment that you have 11 babies instead of one, two, or even three, all of them are crying, crawling, and always in need of your care. Kristina Ozturk, 23, has a detached view of children despite the fact that she perceives them as being highly happy and wishes to have even more of them.

Today we’re going to tell you about a teenage mother, how it happened, and how she manages the kids. At the age of 17, Christina’s daughter Victoria was born, making her a mother for the first time. Unfortunately, the woman’s communication with the baby’s father did not work out, so she continued to be a single mother. When she met her current husband on vacation, her life significantly changed.

On her authority, there was love at first sight, and after that, the human race decided to marry her. The copulate decided they would have a large number of children because they are really fond of them. As you may have seen, the ages of the kids are nearly equal.

The couple switched to surrogacy because having that many children at once is currently not feasible. If Christina didn’t give birth to all of them, they are much more her own children. The woman intends to give birth once again.

Her spending habits are honorable, and he always ensures that his family is cared for completely and that each member’s needs are addressed. He helps Christina with the chores himself, and they also employ nannies and other household helpers.

Christina claims that she and her husband split tasks so that everyone has time to unwind and have fun with the kids. They also consistently spend the weekends together.

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