Went to the shelter to give pup cups to all the doggos and came home with another kitten 🙃 Say hello to little Mouse 😍🐭🤷🏻‍♀️😁

Went to the shelter to give pup cups to all the doggos and came home with another kitten 🙃 Say hello to little Mouse 😍🐭🤷🏻‍♀️😁 @fostermotherofkittens said.

Mouse is weighing in at 176 grams. Can’t wait to watch this beautiful little girl grow up 😍 Scroll to see how little she is compared to my already small hand 😂🐭😍🤏🏻 @fostermotherofkittens said.

Happy Caturday! Mouse had a rough night but seems to be feeling better this morning! Isn’t she the cutest?! 😍 @fostermotherofkittens said.

Just when I think she can’t get any cuter, she strikes a pose like this 😭😍

Mouse seems to be feeling much better today! She just hit 190 grams and I couldn’t be more proud. 🥰🐭💪🏻 @fostermotherofkittens said.

How am I sposed to get anything done with her here?! 😍😭🐭 @fostermotherofkittens said.

Shoutout to whoever created the clear plastic tub! But seriously, you NEED to watch the video 👉🏻
ALSO! The top of the tub is completely open. I use the “top” to line the edges so she doesn’t climb over while she’s yelling at me for her millionth meal of the morning 😂 she can breathe, I PROMISE 🙃 @fostermotherofkittens said.

The way she crosses her little paws ARE YOU K I D D I N G ME?! 😭😍😭 @fostermotherofkittens said.

If I’m feeling exhausted or overwhelmed by the world, I just take a few minutes to sit and watch Mouse sleep peacefully 😌
This peach weighed in at 245 grams today! 😮💪🏼🐭😍 @fostermotherofkittens said.

*slaps tum*
Bring me the bobble
😂 @fostermotherofkittens said.

When she finally gets up at the end 😭 I’m so proud of you, Mouse!!😍😁💪🏻🐭 @fostermotherofkittens said.

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