UPS driver adopts pit bull along her route after the dog’s owner passed

When a box is brought to your house, don’t you become excited?

Deliveries have increased during the pandemic, therefore delivery people and women are more frequently seen in houses. We frequently run into them in the neighborhood, which allows us to get to know them and, as a result, make more friends.

It turns out that not just people who receive products look forward to meeting the delivery people since they always do so with a grin. Every time these delivery folks with their trucks drive by, even animals like dogs get excited!

On their Facebook page, UPS workers submit images of the adorable pets they encounter while traveling to and from delivery jobs.

When they deliver their owners’ presents, the drivers get to interact with the animals. Every time they get together, they have a chance to play with the dogs and shoot some Instagram-worthy photos.

One of these connections was created between Katie Newhouser, a UPS driver, and Leo, a pit bull. The woman has been a UPS driver for 15 years, and Leo’s owner’s home is one of the typical addresses she delivers to.

The dog was owned by Tina and currently resides in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

Leo always greeted Katie and played with her whenever she would come with a gift for Tina. The route wouldn’t be complete without Katie introducing herself to Leo as well. Over the years and via innumerable deliveries, Katie and Leo developed a closer bond.

He would start barking and scratching at the door to the condo complex as soon as he heard my pickup pull into the parking lot. He would adore getting in the vehicle and exploring the back,” Katie said.

Even when they ran into each other away from home, the dog still recognized him.

Leo suddenly popped his head out the passenger side and barked at me one day as I was driving up one of my busier streets as they were coming down the street. He howled the entire length of the roadway!

When Katie learned of Tina’s passing, she had just returned from a holiday.

Leo was the woman’s initial thought. Tina bought the dog when he was just a puppy, so the two of them would have shared a long-lasting and close relationship. The dog would undoubtedly suffer if Tina were to pass away.

“I was shocked and in shock when I learned that Tina had died. Tina and I met thanks to Leo. I typically know the dog’s name before the owner’s name, as is the case with many of my customers with whom I have developed friendships, Katie added.

Katie made the decision to speak with Tina’s son Cannon about her desire to adopt Leo without thinking twice.


“I informed him that I would look for Leo until he got back. They already dealt with enough, she remarked.

Being a marine made it challenging for Cannon to care for Leo as well as Tina did. He ultimately came to the conclusion that Leo would be happier with Katie.

Leo was then delivered to Katie’s residence, where he began acclimating to his new surroundings and the other animals who were there. Though it was difficult, Katie helped him.

“I am aware that Leo arrived and immediately missed Tina. Before going to sleep at night, he would complain. Really, it was heartbreaking. He still does it occasionally. He misses her, I know that.

Leo needed assistance from Katie to get used to his new house and the other animals there. She is aware that Tina would be relieved to learn that her cherished puppy is in capable hands.

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