Some well-known actors said that after their first big success, they had celebrity sickness. Several people struggled to get past it. Many lost their fortunes, loved ones, and jobs. Some were ultimately able to grasp the necessity of putting fame aside in order to concentrate on their vocations.
Actor Jim Carrey is widely known for succumbing to fame mania early in his career. That destroyed his marriage, absolutely. During this time, Jim had a child as well.
In part because of “Ace Ventura,” Jim Carrey gained notoriety. People learned about him outside of his country of origin as well. The actor’s stardom did not endure indefinitely. He began to act out in an inappropriate manner.
At the beginning, Jim’s wife tolerated his antics while trying to calm down her renowned husband. Kerry stayed the same, and things deteriorated further.
His wife filed for divorce. The actor and his wife both found the divorce process to be quite challenging. The couple’s young daughter added complexity to the situation. Rather of putting the child through psychological suffering, they decided to carry out their joint parental responsibilities.