In the trickery-filled comedy “Hocus Pocus 2,” actress Sarah Jessica Parker assumes the role of a witch. In 1993, the first film was made available.
Two of the star’s three children, as well as her husband Matthew Broderick, were invited to a significant New York premiere. 13-year-old Tabitha and Marion, her twin daughters, were at her side on the red carpet. The daughters’ rapid growth is visible in this unique family portrait.
The girls and their oldest son James are leading separate lives outside the movie business. Additionally, they seldom accompany their parents on dates.
Several intriguing details concerning her:
– She won four Golden Globes for her portrayal of Carrie Bradshaw;
– She serves on the President of the United States’ Advisory Committee on Culture, Arts, and Humanism;
– Miss Parker enjoys Woody Allen movies a lot;
– She uses her left hand;
The Manolo Blahnik shoe line bears her name.
Remember that Sarah has been married to actor Matthew Broderick for 25 years. Celebrities connected on Broadway in 1991 through mutual connections, but they didn’t officially start dating until 1997. They commemorated the 25th anniversary of her wedding in May. At the age of 37, the actress gave birth to their first child, a son named Jason.
They also adopted two lovely girls through surrogacy.