“Not a baby anymore,” said Ricky Martin, displaying his kid, who is 14 years old.

No longer a toddler, my 14-year-old kid, the photographer said in the image’s caption.

The child quickly matured, according to the performer’s fans: “A real guy already,” “How?! How quickly time passes,” “How mature and attractive,” “Wow! Your duplicate It goes by so quickly.

What a lovely young man, “What?! It’s your son, right? “He’s as gorgeous as his dad,” “He was only a baby yesterday,” “14 already? When did he get that old? It is absurd.

Jwan Yosef and Ricky Martin have been wed for five years. Four children were born to the marriage. The twin of Valentino, Matteo, was created on August 6, 2008. The fact that Ricky Martin’s boys were conceived and delivered through a surrogate mother, whom he openly credits for his children but does not identify, has never been a secret.

The artist gave birth to a girl called Lucia on December 31, 2018, and his son Renn joined the family in the fall of 2019.


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