The adage “don’t judge a book by its cover” is frequently used in casual conversation. Sometimes we take this saying for granted because we lose sight of its true meaning. That’s not the case, though, for the staff at the Putney Animal Hospital of the RSPCA, where one day they saw firsthand what it means via the life story of a grumpy-appearing cat named Saul.
On October 15 of this year, a guy reported seeing a stray cat alone and in the rain, prowling the streets of London. RSPCA dispatched an animal collection officer with the necessary information in an effort to save the helpless little cat. When the cat came at the hospital, he was severely injured and ill, so they understood that their top priority was to get him treated and given medication as quickly as possible.
Because of the cat’s broken jaw, chipped teeth, and missing eye, it was thought that the animal, who they eventually called Saul, had been in a car accident. As soon as Saul’s wounds had healed, the hospital personnel had spotted a distinctive feature on his face. Whatever Saul was doing, he constantly had a surly expression on his face. They weren’t sure if this was due to the injuries or if he was born this way. His demeanor betrays a different side despite this persistent statement of dissatisfaction. Saul is actually quite positive and is constantly cute and loving. Read the rest of the article below to see how this cat with a frowny expression makes everyone smile.