Man Is Moved By Video For A Dog Being Abandoned, So He Looked For Him And Saved Him

Itabira, Brazil, a person was seen dumping a small dog by the roadside before a few weeks! The bicyclist, who saw the incident and recorded it, was not able to take the dog with the bicycle, so, she went home to get her car, but when she got back to the scene, she couldn’t find the poor animal!

For several days, the girl searched the area in hopes she could find the dog, but no avail! She then shared the clip on social media explaining that she just wanted to know if the dog was fine!

The video went viral, which urged a Good Samaritan, who lived nearby to search for the dog for 2 days until he found it! So, the man took the lost dog home and decided to take care of it.

A vide was shared on WhatsApp showing the dog happily playing in the backyard of the man’s home. You can hear in the video that the Good Samaritan decided to keep the dog and take care of him. What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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