A jogger in Saudi Arabia recently shared a heartbreaking video of a helpless puppy. He was jogging on a sidewalk when he heard the heartbreaking cries of a puppy in pain.
The a puppy hides behind a palm tree and calls out to passers-by for help. When he approaches the puppy, he sees that it is emaciated and looks like it has recently suffered a trauma.
It took some gentle petting from the runner, but eventually the puppy calmed down and trusted the man who was there to help him. The man was touched by the puppy’s sadness and decided to take him home. The puppy, now named Scopy, was given a bowl of food. As Scopy hungrily devoured the bowl, the man was still worried about his health. He took Scopy to the vet and the doctor told him that Scopy was fine, but a little emotionally traumatized.
Now that he is home, Scopy is doing better and better because he is getting lots of love and attention. Scopy loves his new daddy and we look forward to many new milestones together!