Giant sperm whale approaches diver asking for help when in pain

When we think of the ocean one of the first sea creatures that typically pop into our heads are whales. These massive beasts roam the ocean and are a marvel to look at.

Sperm whales

Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are huge mammals that can grow up to 55 feet. Easily recognized by their massive heads and prominent rounded foreheads, these huge carnivores are actually vulnerable despite their size.

Scientists say these whales have the largest brains of any creature known to have lived. Perhaps that intelligence allowed this whale to ask for help from a diver.

Sperm whales’ heads also hold large quantities of a substance called spermaceti.

Their diet

As massive as they are, these whales are gentle and only feast on squid they find when they dive down to the depths of the ocean.

Helping another creature out

The diver is Hugues Vitry. He is a world-famous Maurician environmentalist and underwater photographer, and in this video, he removed a small fish hook from the whale’s lower jaw.

Vitry is also the Diving Centre Manager and Vice President of Marine Megafauna Conservation Organization.

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