The American Stray Animal Project is a program initiated by the World Animal Awareness Society (WA2S) to raise awareness about homeless pets. Volunteers conducting research for the program came across an incredibly disturbing sight in a rundown neighborhood in Detroit.
This video shows a volunteers following a homeless dog as it wanders from house to house with an empty bowl in its mouth. The dog makes his way through thorny bushes in the hope of finding someone to feed him. But there is no hope for him as the area is a vast wasteland abandoned by humans.
The volunteers saw the hungry dog wandering anxiously with a sad nose. They followed the dog to five houses. They ultimately filled its bowl with food and gave it enough water to drink. Later, the volunteers also took on the care of homeless animals in the abandoned neighborhood.
Many people assume that homeless pets can feed themselves or that someone is always there to feed them. But the harsh reality is that they are in a constant state of despair because of the uncertainty of their next meal. We hope this enlightening video will inspire people around the world to be aware of homeless dogs in their neighborhoods.
Watch the disturbing struggle of a homeless dog going door-to-door with an empty bowl in the video below.